Compensation for Victims of Nazi Persecution in Norway
War and German Occupation
On 9 April 1940, the German Reich invaded Norway. Norwegian King Haakon VII and his government refused to surrender and called on the population to resist. On 7 June 1940, they fled by ship to London and formed a government-in-exile there. On 10 June 1940, the Norwegian armed forces surrendered. After the failure of a transitional government, Vidkun Quisling, chairman and founder of the fascist party Nasjonal SamlingThe “National Gathering” was the fascist party of Norway founded by Vidkun Quisling in 1933, which acted as the only permitted party from September 1940 and as the ruling party under his leadership from February 1942. [National Gathering], became head of government on 1 February 1942. The civilian population suffered from food shortages and trade restrictions. Massive movements of refugees, for example to neutral Sweden, were the result. Of the approximately 2,100 Jews in Norway, about 770 were deported and the vast majority were murdered in concentration camps. The German occupation ended with the capitulation on 8 May 1945.
The Norwegian Resistance and NortrashipSchiffe der norwegischen Handelsmarine, die sich der norwegischen Exilregierung anschlossen, fuhren für die norwegische Reedereiorganisation Norwegian Shipping & Trade Mission (NORTRA), abgekürzt Nortraship, mit Sitz in London und New York.
The resistance within Norway included numerous military and civilian resistance organisations. The largest military organisation was MilorgAbkürzung für militær organisasjon (militärische Organisation), größte militärische Widerstandsorganisation in Norwegen, die ab November 1941 der norwegischen Exilregierung in London unterstand und mit der Special Operations Executive (Spezialeinsatztruppe) des britischen Nachrichtendienstes kooperierte. Bis Mai 1945 hatte die Milorg ca. 40.000 Personen ausgebildet, with about 40,000 members in May 1945. Outside the country, parts of the Norwegian merchant marine and special commandos formed together with British forces against the Wehrmacht. At the time of the German invasion of Norway, a large part of the merchant marine was abroad. Some joined the Norwegian government-in-exile and sailed for the newly founded Norwegian Shipping & Trade Mission (Nortraship). They ensured vital imports of raw materials and food to Great Britain and helped transport important war materials for the Allied war effort, such as ball bearings from Sweden.
Medal award, royal audience, and participation in the Kvarstad commemoration despite severe illness
Interview with Anne Moe
daughter of Johannes Moe, 2023
Immediate Aid, Compensation, and War Victims’ Welfare Act 1945–1947
Immediately after the end of the war, the Norwegian state began providing immediate aid to Norwegian political prisoners in the form of clothing assistance, vacation for recuperation, and smaller support payments. In December 1946 and April 1947, on the recommendation of the Kriegsskadekomité [War Damage Committee], the Norwegian Parliament, Storting, passed a law on war victims’ welfare and compensation. Both, however, contained strict proof criteria. Compensation required proof of a “loss of prosperity” caused by imprisonment. For the war victims’ pension, it had to be proven that the physical damages were caused by war events.
The Role of the War Victims’ Pension in Norway
The strict criteria for the war victims’ pension caused dissatisfaction and protests, leading to the founding of the KrigsinvalideforbundetDer „Kriegsinvalidenverband“, gegründet 1954, war als Dachorganisation in Norwegen für militärische und zivile Vereinigungen die Interessenvertretung für alle Kriegsgeschädigten, die z.B. für die Verbesserung der Kriegsopferrente eintrat. [War Invalids’ Association] in 1954. During the 1960s, the strict disability criteria were relaxed. In the 1968 law on war victims’ welfare, the burden of proof was eased, and psychological damages and illnesses such as “concentration camp syndrome” could be recognised as late effects. This significantly increased the pension payments and the number of eligible recipients. The Krigsinvalideforbundet supported many Nazi persecution victims in reapplying. The war victims’ pension, partly seen as an “honorary pension,” thus played an important role in recognising Nazi persecution in the post-war period.
Participation in meetings of survivor associations
Interview with Jan Westby
son of Arne Helge Westby, 2024
The Fight for Compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1950s
In the 1950s, demands for compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany increased in Norway. The decisive factor was the Wollheim trial and the associated compensation payments to former forced labourers of IG Farben in Auschwitz. Additionally, it was criticised that the existing German compensation laws largely excluded foreign Nazi persecution victims. The ErstatnisrådDer „Entschädigungsrat“ wurde unter der Leitung von Leif Nordstrand 1955 in Oslo als Interessenvertretung verschiedener Gefangenenverbände mit dem Ziel der Entschädigung norwegischer Häftlinge durch die Bundesrepublik gegründet. [Compensation Council], composed of various prisoner associations at the end of 1955, showed strong public presence in the media and supported individual compensation claims in the FRG. However, with the passage of the Federal Compensation ActThe law (Bundesentschädigungsgesetz), retroactively effective from October 1953, was the first nationwide compensation law for people who suffered expropriation, forced labour, deportation, and imprisonment during National Socialism. Eligible were persons who had their residence in the federal territory or the former German Reich by 31 December 1952 or earlier, as well as their surviving dependants. Foreign Nazi victims were thus largely excluded from the law. (BEG) in June 1956 and the residence clause it contained, the exclusion from compensation became final. From 1958, the Erstatnisråd therefore sought an intergovernmental Bilateral Compensation Agreement (GlobalabkommenZwischen 1959 und 1964 schloss die Bundesrepublik Deutschland bilaterale Entschädigungsabkommen mit zwölf westeuropäischen Staaten. Darin wurden Pauschalzahlungen vereinbart, mit denen alle Entschädigungsansprüche abgegolten werden sollten. Die Verteilung der Gelder oblag jeweils dem Empfängerstaat.) for Norwegian victims.
Bilateral Compensation Agreement (Globalabkommen) with the Federal Republic of Germany, 1959–1962
After four months of negotiations, Germany and Norway concluded the first Bilateral Compensation Agreement (Globalabkommen) in Europe in August 1959. It was ratified by the Storting and Bundestag in February and March 1960. Norway received a payment of 60 million DM, equivalent to 100 million Norwegian kroner (NOK). The law for distributing these compensation payments to political prisoners came into effect on March 25, 1960, and divided the payments into three categories: deprivation of liberty, disability, and survivors. For “deprivation of liberty,” imprisonment in concentration camps was equated with imprisonment in prisons. Prisoner organisations were involved in drafting the law and ensured, for example, the prioritisation of survivors and the disabled. The compensation process was completed in December 1962. In total, only 1,800 (7%) of the approximately 24,700 applications were rejected.